Oct 07, 2020
Search Engine Optimization
2 Minutes Read
SEO is a Search Engine Optimization which helps you to increase quantity of traffic on your website in a organic way. Being on top of SERPs SEO is very important. SEO is a practice on website to get rank on SERPs. In digital world, people prefer that things most which rank on first or second position of search engine result pages.
SEO helps website to rank on first pages of google, whenever google  crawl anyone website and find everything organically google increase your position and wants your website to prefer audience first. SEO helps you in increasing position on SERPs. SEO is a right way to get organic and unpaid and long term audience.

How SEO Works

As we know google have some algorithm. On basis of this google rank them first to last. Google want to reach only that thing which is genuine in google eyes. Google crawl each and everything on every website. If google found any fault, website ranking never increase and it’s a blunder in eyes of Google. SEO is a organically tactic to being on top with presence of Google. SEO is a slow but beneficial process. When google find a trustworthy crawling result then Google set your position on top of Google. Google crawls each and everything of every website.

How to do SEO on website

  • Find relevant keyword
Everything on search engine is relevant to keyword. What audience want and what you want to show, first link between us is keyword. Keyword is a finder. Appropriate keyword is first basic thing in SEO. You can easily find keywords that your target customer searches for using Google Suggest. Long tail keyword has less competition rather than small tail keyword.
Keyword tools, SEMrush, ubersuggest are some tools for finding relevant keyword.
  • Analyze google first page

After finding relevant keyword first google that keyword and check what is already on that keyword. Your competitor who already ranks on this keyword has what type of content. Check search engine result first page and shortlist first page important topics and blog and work something different for your website.
  • Work on On-page SEO

What is on your first page viewers only see that things. Strong on -page attract viewers. What your work and why we work all things shows in on page.
Make your content look awesome
Content is a main pillar of ranking and website. Strong content automatically rank your video on top. Always keep different and unique content.
Improve and Update your content
Always keep updated and your content must be related with current situations.  Improvise your content.
Create do follow and no follow back link
Work on off page.  Off page is a major part of SEO. when google crawler crawl on your website they find some un profittable works.
SEO tools
  • Bing webmaster tools
  • Botify
  •  Bright local
  • Browseo
  • Clusteric
  • Dare boost
Deep crawl